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Psycho Paint ™ Silicone Paint Base

Buy Smooth-On at FormX

Smooth-On is one of the worlds leading manufaturers 3D modeling materials such as mold-making, casting and special effects materials but also industrial casting resins, adhesives and equipment. FormX is main distributor of Smooth-On products in Europe.

Psycho Paint™

Psycho Paint ™ is a versatile and easy to use platinum silicone paint base developed to help special effects and prosthetic artisans, doll makers, etc. easily create painted-on color effects for their platinum silicone creations. It is a two component translucent clear platinum-cure silicone that is used to make a base for color pigmenting. Once the desired color is attained, Psycho Paint™is thinned with a solvent. Thin layers of paint can be then be applied to a model's surface (made of Dragon Skin™, Ecoflex™ or other platinum silicone) using an airbrush.

In addition to painting the exterior of a cast piece, you can apply Psycho Paint™ to the inside of a platinum silicone or urethane rubber mold and then cast platinum silicone behind it. It can also be applied by brushing.

Colored Psycho Paint™ will bond to the model’s surface and offers good abrasion resistance. It is very strong and will stretch and bend with the model without cracking or peeling. Need to temporarily adhere your silicone mask, prosthetic device or other creation to your skin? Ask your Smooth-On distributor about Slacker™ Tactile Mutator and Skin-Tite™ on-skin adhesive.

Technical bulletin Psycho Paint

Psycho Paint™

Psycho Paint

  • Psycho Paint ™ /0,9 kg

    Psycho Paint ™ /0,9 kg

    62,30 EUR

  • Psycho Paint ™ /7,2 kg

    Psycho Paint ™ /7,2 kg

    427,25 EUR

Which pigments to use?

On the next tab's you will find pigments that can be used with Psycho Paint


Safety - Use in a properly ventilated area (“room size” ventilation). Wear safety glasses, long sleeves and rubber gloves to minimize contamination risk. Wear vinyl gloves only. Latex gloves will inhibit the cure of the rubber.

Store and use all products at room temperature 23°C. This product has a limited shelf life and should be used as soon as possible. Silicone surfaces to be painted can only be Platinum (addition) cured systems. For optimum results the silicone skin/surface, should be painted as soon as possible after demolding. We recommend that the cured piece to be painted be no more than 2 days old.

Clean All Surfaces That Will Contact Psycho Paint™ - All surfaces to be painted, need to be free of any contaminants (especially mold release). If necessary, clean all surfaces with solvent (NOVOCS™ Zero VOC Solvent, Toluene, Xylene, or Naptha), and allow to dry before painting.

Measuring Is Done By Volume - The recommended mix ratio is 100 Parts A + 100 Part B + 200-500 Parts Solvent depending on your application (hand painting vs. airbrushing).

Adding Color To Psycho Paint™ - Silc Pig™ silicone pigments are compatible with Psycho Paint™. There are several colors to choose from, and you can mix colors to create custom colors. The most accurate way to add pigment is by weight (using a gram scale). We recommend beginning by pre-mixing 2% pigment by weight to Part B and pre-mixing thoroughly. Do not exceed a 5% pigment load of the total weight (A+B). You can also use powdered cosmetic pigments to color Psycho Paint™, however a compatibility test is recommended.

Adding Solvent - Once a desirable color effect is attained, add an equal amount of Psycho Paint™ Part A. Next, add 200-500 Parts of solvent. Smooth-On’s NOVOCS™ Zero VOC Solvent is recommended. Toluene, Xylene or Naptha are also suitable. Observe all safety precautions when handling combustible or flammable solvents. Mix thoroughly to a uniform color (no streaks).

Applying Psycho Paint™ Using An Air Brush - Dispense mixture into air brush siphon cup / gravity cup. Apply thin layers of paint to the model’s surface until the desired color effect is attained.

Brushing Onto A Platinum Silicone Appliance Or Model - Make sure all surfaces are clean. Add the desired amount of Silc Pig™ pigment to Psycho Paint™ Part B and mix thoroughly. Add an equal amount of Psycho Paint™ part A and mix thoroughly. Add solvent if desired. You can then apply Psycho Paint™ with a brush. A common application technique is to use a “stippling” effect.

Important - Pot life of undiluted Psycho Paint™ (without solvent) is 20 minutes at room temperature.

Curing - Undiluted Psycho Paint™ will cure at room temperature in 2 hours. Cure time can be reduced with heat (oven or heat gun). Do not expose to over 100°C. If heat curing, make sure that all solvents have evaporated from model’s surface, before applying heat.

SilTone Pigments

Siltone primary colors

  • SilTone Black /30gr

    Black /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone White /30gr

    White /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone Red /30gr

    Red /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone Blue /30gr

    Blue /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone Brown /30gr

    Brown /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone Green /30gr

    Green /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone Yellow /30gr

    Yellow /1oz

    10,29 EUR

  • SilTone White /500gr

    White /16oz

    155,39 EUR

SilcPig Pigments

SilcPig Silicone Pigments

  • Blue /110 ml

    Blue /4oz

    33,06 EUR

  • Black /110 ml

    Black /4oz

    27,44 EUR

  • Brown /110 ml

    Brown /4oz

    27,44 EUR

  • Green /110 ml

    Green /4oz

    29,15 EUR

  • Red /110 ml

    Red /4oz

    30,86 EUR

  • White /110 ml

    White /4oz

    27,44 EUR

  • Yellow /110 ml

    Yellow /4oz

    31,31 EUR

  • Blood Red /110 ml

    Blood Red /4oz

    56,13 EUR

  • light flesh /110 ml

    light flesh /4oz

    39,91 EUR

  • Medium Flesh /110 ml

    Medium Flesh /4oz

    39,91 EUR

  • Dark Flesh /110ml

    Dark Flesh /4oz

    39,91 EUR

  • Cyan /110ml

    Cyan /4oz

    34,98 EUR

  • Purple /110 ml

    Purple /4oz

    35,11 EUR

Ignite Pigments

Ignite™ Pigments

  • Ignite™ Green /120ml

    Ignite™ Green /4oz

    34,78 EUR

  • Ignite™ Magenta /120ml

    Ignite™ Magenta /4oz

    31,02 EUR

  • Ignite™ Orange /120ml

    Ignite™ Orange /4oz

    31,02 EUR

  • Ignite™ Pink /120ml

    Ignite™ Pink /4oz

    34,78 EUR

  • Ignite Yellow /120ml

    Ignite™ Yellow /4oz

    31,02 EUR

  • Ignite™ Blue /120ml

    Ignite™Blue /4oz

    34,78 EUR

  • Ignite™ Red /120 ml

    Ignite™ Red /4oz

    34,78 EUR

  • Ignite™ white /120ml

    Ignite™ white /4oz

    31,02 EUR

  • Ignite™ Purple /120ml

    Ignite™ Purple /4oz

    31,02 EUR


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